As a Florida native, I have been witness to launches for as long as I can remember. There have been times when I would be driving home from the studio I owned in Northern Miami being on I-95 in the Fort Lauderdale area and would be looking to the north to see a streak of light in the distance. In this case, the distance was 200 miles north!
When the launch something into orbit, depending on the need of the launch, the rocket can track northeast or southeast. I actually have stood in the backyard of the house we owned in Davie, FL and seen the shuttle launch trails.
Over the years, I have made trips up to the cape to view launches. With the Space Shuttle program coming to an end in 2011, I tried to make it to as many launches as I could. There are several great vantage points to see launches from, and people will line the beaches and causeways in and around the cape.
My favorite location now is of of SR3 (Courtney Parkway N) north of the cape and south of New Smyrna Beach. There is a drawbridge over a cut that allows access to the Indian River. From there you are about 8 miles north of pads 39A & B.

The first time I went to this site was May 11, 2009 for the launch of Space Shuttle Atlantis for STS-125. This mission was the last mission to the Hubble Space telescope.


Atlantis launched again on November 16, 2009 for STS-129 which was a mission to the International Space Station.


On February 24, 2011 the Shuttle Discovery was launched with six astronauts on STS-133, again to the International Space station. These were the best images I have gotten of the shuttle. It was a late afternoon launch so the sun really lit up the orbiter as it headed into space. Also, it was winter in Florida, so the atmosphere is low in humidity with crisp blue skies.

Finally, Space X’s dragon spacecraft is seen here heading to the International Space Station on June 3, 2017. Soon, Dragon 2 will take astronauts there again.